INSPIRING DAILY DEVOTIONAL ® … Your life is in order

Text(s) for today: Gen. 37 ; Gen. 39

“There is hope for a tree: if it’s cut down, it’ll sprout again… Its roots may grow old in the ground… and die in the soil, yet at the scent of water, it’ll bud and put forth shoots…” Job 14:7-9

Joseph’s story is certainly an amazing one. He divulges his dream to his family members and that seemed to have spelt doom for him.

He is sold into a far away land. As if that was not enough, he is accused of raping her mistress. He’s finally put behind bars. Would you believe that he spent about 11years in prison for something he didn’t do?

Today, believers all round the world know for certain that Joseph didn’t attempt the rape because of the testimony of scripture. However, during Joseph’s time, that scriptural evidence was absent. It’d not be surprising that many, during Joseph’s lifetime believed that Joseph indeed attempted rape . Even after elation to the status of Prime minister, it’s certain such erroneous mindset about Joseph still lingered on .

Those who might have doubted the authenticity or veracity of the allegation will be those very close to Joseph – those who knew him are very likely to be convinced about his integrity.

Joseph indeed had to suffer the ignominy of being branded as a rapist for no fault of his at all.

Perhaps things are very tough in your life. Like Joseph, perhaps you seem to be a tree cut down, but I want you to understand that your life is in order! There’s hope for you.

tree 2e

…Perhaps you seem to be a tree cut down, but…you’ll sprout again!

Like the key verse clearly point out, you’ll sprout again!

Perhaps there’s no help coming in from any where but I can tell you emphatically that what you’re experiencing is not real.

Let the words of Job as seen in today’s key verse encourage you: your roots may have grown old in the ground (as far as your academics, health, relationship, family,etc is concerned) or might even be dead physically, yet you’ll bud again.

Beloved, things will turn around for your good. You’ll not remain at that same place in life. As long as you remain a child of God, that situation is not to your disadvantage: IT MUST (and would) work out for your good. Beloved, EACH AND EVERY trouble has been programmed that way by God – to work out for your good (Rom. 8:28). Halleluyah!

Prayer & Confessions (pray out loudly)

LORD , I thank you I cannot be disadvantage and every situation in my life is working out for my good. I release this understanding upon every life challenge and they conform to this understanding. Indeed, Christ in me, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27) Halleluyah!

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